Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Ex-German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel

 Dr. Angela Merkel was sworn in as German Chancellor on November 22, 2005. She is the first woman and the first East German to hold this office 2021.

Born on 17th July 1954 in Hamburg Protestant, Married.

Since November 2005, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany upto 2021.

2002-2005, Chairwoman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bunestag.

Since-2000, Chairwoman of the Christian Democratic Union Germany (CDU)

1998-2000, General Secretaryof the CDU;

1994-1998, Federal Minister for the Environment Nature Conservation and Nuclear safety.

1991-1994, Federal Minister Woman and Youth.

1993-2000, Chairwoman of the CDU Mecklenburg Western Pomerania.

1991-1998, Deputy Chairwoman of the CDU:

Since 1990, Member of German Bundestag.

1990, Deputy Government Spokeswoman of the de Maiziere Government.

Since 1990, Joined the Christian Democratic  Union of Germany.

1989, Member of Demokratischur Aufbruch ( Democratic Awakening)

1986, Awarded a Doctorate,

1978-1990, Member of the academic staff at the Central Institute of Physical Chemistry at the Academy of Science,

1973-1978, Studied physics at Leipzig University.

1973, Abitur, (higher education entrance qualification)


Environment friendly economy Social Market Economy

The book "Environment friendly economy, Social Market eonomy is the common economic order of the Germany. I visited Germany several times in my life and spend some times to learn "Social Market economy". I am also Member of Christian Democratic Party, CDU Germany. Social Market economy like a "Truste of Nature" . This book describe, How Germany playing a pioneering role Harmony between mankind and nature  and keeping harmoney of the country through their economy. I believe in Social Market economy and all human being create free, Solidarity derives fron the commandment of love foe one neighbour and is in consonance with the social nature human being also the fundamental principal of Justice is equality for all person in the dignity and freedom.

Jamal Hossain Buiyan


Member of Christian Democratic Union (CDU)




The business environment in Bangladesh introducing to the readers to the essential of Bangladesh and its economy which are basic to an understanding of the country business environment. 

Last decades 1990 to 2000, Bangladesh has experience amazing changes, which have not only fascinated the World but also affected profoundly the country prople,its business terrain, its political and social outlook.

These changes are largely endemic to the current experiences of the country now in landmark era of political  transition in preparation for its back to democracy. These changes have in turn , drastically modified the local profile of economics activites, attitudes and hormative instituations, What these changes in 1991, democracy development have produced minimum interference in private affairs and the creation of an environment conducive to profitable investment . Regulatory economic control are held to a minimum , no restriction are placed on the movement of capital, little protection and  few subsidies given to industry and the some direct services provided by government on a commercial basis.

The economic success of Bangladesh is a miracle made more credible by analysing how its modern economic growth first began, One major factor gave rise to the economic transformation of Bangladesh in early 1980, Some special efforts made by private businessmen.

This book will give the readers a general picture of Bangladesh economic envirnments, its economic performance and transformation , the problems it faces , the role of government and the prospects for futher development . Emphasis will be placed on the newly developed but already closely knitted economics relatonship between Bangladesh and India also ,Europe, America and rest of the world,

Written by Author

Jamal Hossain


Sunday, October 10, 2021


River pollution in Bangladesh. Dying rivers threaten in Dhaha City Bangladesh from 1990 after  flourished Textile and Dyeing industries also Tannery. The Dumping of untreated industrial wastes into Buriganga river, Turag River, Balu river, and Shitalakhya river all of four rivers lifeline of the Capital Dhaka city, Bangldesh now became most polluted rivers in the world To save river please participate our campaign.

Tote Flüsse bedrohen das Leben in Dhaka !seit 1990 blühen die industrie der Textile-und Farbenhersteller sowie die der Gerbereien in Bangladesch. In alle großen Flüsse der Haupstadt Dhaka. dem Buriganga, Turag, Balu und Sitalakhya werden unbehandelte Industrierückstände eingeleitet. Bangladesch hat die am stärksten verschmutzten Flüsse der Welt. Bitte beteiligen Sie sich an unserer Kampagne zur Rettung der Flüsse.